Add-Powr Power Conditioner Review

The owner of Add-Powr was doing business previously as QRT making a very similar product until he sold it to Nordost.  The Add -Powr products are unique in that they upgrade the power in your walls, not just what you plug into them. This review is for the $$ flaghship product but they have many others on their website.

I use two of his products (one from thge QRT line and one from Add-Powr) in my system and the benefits are cumulative, here is the review of the "Sorcr" in hifi+



It was obviously clear from the start the X4 allowed for more pleasing quality and tone. The session’s horns just didn’t seem to grate at my eardrums in the same way, they were all more polished, rounded, and the sound was less harsh. I already use valves in my Luxman LX-380 integrated, but the effect of adding the X4 was comparable from going solid state to tubes.- Buzz Hughes, HiFi+

If you wear headphones when you watch this you can hear the difference when the A/B compare, even through a low res youtube video:



Another device that can impart a "tube like" quality without using tubes.

I have enjoyed my Sorcer X4 for quite some time. The only thing I disagree with in the review is the statement that the unit can be placed anywhere within the house.

I believe placing the component on the same AC line and closer to the Audio System increases its effectiveness.


+1, I have one Add Powr component (not the Sorcer ) in the front of my media room where my front end components are and one in the back of the room where my PJ and surround speakers are.

Wow this Sorcer power unit seems very dubious to me the designer said he added more to power more harmonics by clocking. Ouch maybe he was using that vocabulary because he was speaking to un technical people but what he said is silly you don’t add harmonics to power lines you want your power to be a beautiful sign wave.