Add-Powr Power Conditioner Review

The owner of Add-Powr was doing business previously as QRT making a very similar product until he sold it to Nordost.  The Add -Powr products are unique in that they upgrade the power in your walls, not just what you plug into them. This review is for the $$ flaghship product but they have many others on their website.

I use two of his products (one from thge QRT line and one from Add-Powr) in my system and the benefits are cumulative, here is the review of the "Sorcr" in hifi+


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Great to see you and thanks for joining this thread! I am using an immersive audio system (9.2.7) and the soundstage improvement when I added my most recent Add Powr component was very noticeable. I might get an enhanced benefit because I am using around 12 active speakers with two internal monoblock amps each, one driving the woofer, and one driving the tweeter.

You know how a screen looks with a projected image on it when you go from living room (good) light to pitch black (crystal clear)? That is an analogy of what happened to the sound when I plugged in my most recent add powr upgrade. The sound went from being good (like a screen in the living room light) to crystal (like a nice Dolby Vision image in a pitch black room.) I wasn’t expecting that level of improvement and it made me smile, thank you! I will be looking forward to adding the Symphony I/O soon.


I have been using carver/Sunfire amps for years but they have all been solid state. How do you like the Carver tube amp?


The Carvers offer tube sound with high power. The best of both worlds!
