Ipod Dock with direct out?????

I LOVE my integrated amps and need a dock for my I POD. FATMAN makes some decent docks, but they all are integrated amps without the direct out option. Any decent choices out there? I know Wadia is coming out with one. Where would I buy it if thats the choice? Thanks!
The MSB Ipod doc is much better than the Wadia. They actually re-clock the digital signal so that they reduce jitter to almost zero. The Wadia does not. This unit will actually be like adding a transport to your DAC(in some cases it sounds a little better than a transport).

The MSB Ipod doc is much better than the Wadia. They actually re-clock the digital signal so that they reduce jitter to almost zero.
These statements have no merit. Seeing that the iTransport hasn't been delivered to people yet you are making speculations on which performs better. Futhermore, if one uses a DAC that reclocks the signal, the best place to do so from what I understand, this is a non-issue. Not to mention you must modify your iPod with the MSB.
Nrostov: Let me pile-on to Brianmgrarcom's comments....

Please tell us all how you can make a blanket statement comparing two products from which one of them (the one you like least) hasn't been delivered to the market yet?

Do you happen to sell the MSB Ipod doc and did you get a review sample of the iTransport from Wadia?
Geez guys...a little hostile, don't you think? Seriously, buy the Wadia. I don't care. I'm not a dealer. I have just looked at the specs and I have heard the MSB, which actually performs a little bit better than my Lector transport(which is an amazing transport-look at the reviews). If you guys don't think jitter matters, then...cool. I don't care. If you think sending an extreme amount of jitter to your dac is a good idea, then...cool. Go to this link and take a look at the digital output from your ipod. This isn't the kind of jitter that a DAC is use to getting. http://www.sound4sale.com/iDock.php Believe me guys I much rather buy the Wadia. It costs a lot less but until I see where they solve this problem I'm saving up for the MSB.

T-Bone, yes the price is for real, but I have heard it and they do an amazing job. The Ipod's digital signal has significant jitter in it. They reclock it down to almost zero. You pay a premium for this but you get a piece that will turn your Ipod into a real high end transport. When you consider that the Lector transport sells for $5,300 and is one of the best on the market the MSB is actually a good deal.