My favorites… not counting the megabuck rooms… in alphabetical order…
a. Hifi Rose Andrew Jones Source Point 10
b. Orchard Audio Soundfield Audio
c. Volti Triode Border Patrol
d. Joseph Audio
@snapsc I unfortunately didn't get to hear a. or d. but we agree on b. and c. |
So would you say that the Unions lean bright or do they have a balanced sound--if the rest of the system allows it? I am thinking to add a class D amp to the DWs to boost the treble and clarity or go with the Unions. I can buy a pair of Unions to test alongside the DWs while extending my DW trial period then return one or the other--according to Zu. This seems to be a pretty exorbitant step to take. Right now, I am leaning to getting a Peachtree Nova 150 for $999 with a 30 day trial period. Test out my class D theory. Zu suggests tubes but that would seem to compound the DW's warmth. |