Add-Powr Power Conditioner Review

The owner of Add-Powr was doing business previously as QRT making a very similar product until he sold it to Nordost.  The Add -Powr products are unique in that they upgrade the power in your walls, not just what you plug into them. This review is for the $$ flaghship product but they have many others on their website.

I use two of his products (one from thge QRT line and one from Add-Powr) in my system and the benefits are cumulative, here is the review of the "Sorcr" in hifi+




I have never needed to change the power tubes in the several years of use. They barely glow so very little strain on them. The claim is they will last 10+ years. Probably will.

Anyway, back to the Sorcer X4 thread. All I can add is that until the naysayers actually try it, then perhaps they can describe the technical or power effects of the product.

Erik, where is your creative motivation?



If you want a tube amp, with a lot of power and low maintenance then check out the Carver amp that @ozzy is using.

You have 0 idea on how to answer that until you plug it in yourself.


Sorry, you are so right. Just because it sounds exactly like gobbledygook masquerading as techno babble is no reason to dismiss it outright.

I don't recommend it for you, I think you will blow a gasket on how much other stuff you bought that didn't deliver the goods.

Well, you clearly know nothing about me, or my satisfaction with my purchases, but sure, carry on here like you know anything about me.

It surprises me that for a member with high standards like yourself

Oh, the faux gentility is just icing on this.

you just kind of dismiss it when it is in its own category, one you have 0 knowledge about or experience with.

Yep, that's exactly how they sell it.  It's so revolutionary and new that science can't even measure it's benefits...

I have the Symphony IO.  All I have to do is turn in on and sit down. It takes a few linutes, then you will hear the music sound richer and more open.  Turn it off and music will just sound less engaging and open.  This test is repeatable. I have basically the same system over 2 years and can tell changes good or bad.  Very nice improvment whatever it is or does.

As I've said, the closest, and at least scientifically based competitor to this is Richard Gray's Power Company. 

Anyone actually compared the two?