Ipod Dock with direct out?????

I LOVE my integrated amps and need a dock for my I POD. FATMAN makes some decent docks, but they all are integrated amps without the direct out option. Any decent choices out there? I know Wadia is coming out with one. Where would I buy it if thats the choice? Thanks!
some of the comments above make it sound like a lot of headaches to get it right.
I don't see where it would be any different than the way you load your Nano; obviously for higher quality you would chose Apple Lossless, WAV, etc., which I assume you don't use. No headaches, very straightforward, especially if you use the SYNC option on the iTunes/iPod.
Brian, I think we have our wires crossed. The CD-PC-Ipod chain is the easy bit.
My comments about the "headaches" are more referring to the subsequent use of the iPod as a high grade source by spending $$$ on devices like the Wadia, which it seems isn't even fully compatible with more recent iPods and has questionable build quality (ref Uclaid's comments).
All that said, this isn't an area I know a lot about, but am certainly interested in.
$379 doesn't seem expensive to me considering the overall prices within this hobby. Adding a device such as the iTransport to use use an iPod doesn't come across to me as a "headache", quite the opposite; it allows people to merge their portable with their home stereo, and adding a server type source as well, which appeals to me, the portable part is just a bonus for me. :)

As for build quality, I already addressed that I feel just the opposite as Uclaids, I think it is excellent.

As you probably know, iPod's come in many forms and it seems they all work differently. For me, my iPod and iTransport work together perfectly, others have complaints as documented above. But it appears by Uclaids own admission that he purchased the iTransport "blindly". Before I placed an order I contacted Wadia, several times, and they were more than gracious in addressing my questions. The fact that Uclaids iPod doesn't mate to the iTransport the way he would like may have been addressed before he placed an order, then again maybe he did, I can't say.

Not all products are for all people, but the iTransport is all I hoped from first reading about it and Wadia has been great to deal with.
a. for 379 don't complain about build quality. what do you expect.

b. in evaluating the wadia it seems to me if your looking for a convenient transport for your ipod that will produce near cd quality it's a nice solution.

c. the question for me is how will it sound with a highly resolving system like mine. I know that the msb sounds as good as my lector transport ie indiscernable from cd. the only jitter my lector digicode clock generator has to deal with is that produced by the digital cable. the big question is whether the wadia produces this kind of sound quality

I am not sure I understand your criticism about no access to iPod library without switching mode to analog. I have no trouble going from a Playlist to e.g., Shuffle songs in my main library without switching output mode to Analog. I just did on the clickwheel as i would normally. Am I misunderstang you?

With all due respect, I think your other criticisms may be based on unreasonable expectations of what the iTransport is intended to be, and what itr could be at the selling price. It is not a full-featured music server nor will it do what your computer does. yes, the remote is limited (but works well at what it does). But I have found the iTransport does what it is intended to do very very well -- extract the digital signal from the iPod so you can run it through a higher quality DAC. I don't care where it is made or what is inside, and it looks unobtrusive and maybe even a bit handsome.

I am using a first rate digicable -- Kharma Grand Ref -- running to myy Dodson 218 DAC. I also am using a Voodoo Cable adapter attached to the IEC on the iTransport, thus enabling me to connect a LessLoss PC into my Hydra (original). I can say that after several hours listening to CD's ripped using Apple Lossless, the sound is almost indistinguishable from the original, and I can make Playlists of various songs, use the Shuffle feature and take advantage of all the other iPod options. Even on doenloads, the sound is acceptable. Yes, one could do much of this (and perhaps more) using a computer, but many of us do not want to deal with the hassle, or crashes, viruses, etc.

So for $379, I think the iTransport is a terrific piece of equipment that does exactly what it says it will do, for a price that is a fraction of what we spend on IC's and PC's, and does it extremely well. I am very happy with it.

Just another view.

