Speaker placement.

10' x 13' room, which would you opt for, speaker width

Or speaker depth? And why? (Standard height)


Hi  @jawfx01 


It would be great to see your system. This would help in making recommendations. There is a place to put photos.. and identify your components. There are so many variables, and many depending on your speakers and components. It would really help.

Each room depends on speakers, walls, and electronics.



I’m in a 13.5x19.5 rectangular room. I prefer my speakers on the short wall 9ft apart and listening about 10 ft back. Speakers are 6ft from the wall behind them. Listening chair is about 4 ft from the wall behind it. Speakers toed in slightly. I much prefer the sense of depth and a ’hall’ type resonance I get from that set up. Positioned in an equilateral triangle on the long wall gives me a more sterile sound and reduced bass energy. 

If I had to deal with your room I would start with the speakers on the short wall 3 to 4 ft out into the room and about 6 ft apart with my listening chair about 3 ft into the room and go from there. Obviously actual set up is highly dependent on your room configuration including windows and doors and the sound will depend on your rooms natural acoustics as well as the effect on furniture, etc. 

FWIW most folks I know who have their system in normal sized homes prefer the short wall. 

Post removed 

If u wanna do nearfield listening feel free to put them on the long wall and do the equilateral triangle thing if that’s what floats your boat.  But that’s very different from positioning the speakers on the short wall, letting them breathe, and let the room reflections enhance the spaciousness of the performance.  Two totally different and valid approaches.  Just depends on your personal tastes.  Personally, I much prefer the latter, but that’s me.  The good news is, all this placement stuff is free!  So experiment to your heart’s content.  Best of luck.