Fremer's Single-leg panel is absolute tweak bs

So a few months ago a video appears on Youtube with Michael Fremer and some electrical contractors installing a custom electrical service and extravagant ground rod array.

OK, but the one thing about it that’s absolute unnecessary tweaky BS is the idea of running a single leg to a sub panel, as well as only using one leg for the audio equipment in it. Who ever thought this was a good idea? It isn’t.

If you really want to get as high-end tweaky as you can this is the absolute wrong way. Run 6 gauge or larger to a sub pane.  In that sub panel you locate a 220V to 120V step down transformer and keep everything balanced all the way to the outlets. That is the best of all worlds.  High noise rejection, meets code, balanced current draw from both legs and extremely low voltage drop from the utility pole to the outlets.

Another good alternative is to run 220V to a wall outlet, and use a high quality step down transformer there. A 220V/30A circuit becomes 60A at 120V output. Running high voltage as close to the outlets as possible doubles your wire gauge effectiveness.



Post removed 

Not sure about the local step down transformer.

By using this strategy, you maintain a balanced line from the power pole all the way to your outlet AND you cut the voltage crop across the house wiring by half.  Whatever you run, if you ran 10 gauge to 120V, by going to 220V you'll draw half the current, and therefore your 10 gauge wiring will act as if it was doubled.


Several of these are good solutions:



I was done with Fremer when during the breaking news about MoFi he kept saying the guy who asked the question that broke the scandal wasn't a "journalist" so he dismissed it.  He has zero credibility

Fremer has a new Tracking Angel video he shot of his listening room and current system. Available for viewing on YouTube.

@johnah5 Wrote:

I was done with Fremer when during the breaking news about MoFi he kept saying the guy who asked the question that broke the scandal wasn't a "journalist" so he dismissed it.  He has zero credibility

I agree!
