Educate me about DSD

So I don't know very much about DSD audio and files. I keep hearing it's good. I am a digital guy, streaming Tidal, Quobuz and still playing cds.

But I bought a streamer capable of DSD 512, therefore I want yo lean more. Can these files be streamed? Say on Tidal or another streaming service? Do I need to buy DSD discs? What does the audio qualities sound like? I assume much better than CD.

What can you tell me about DSD?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2x2psyop

Another user of Native DSD and I have to tell you, that I can’t hear the difference 99% of the time between 256 and 512 DSD.  Maybe it’s my equipment or maybe it’s my ears. At least I know their music isn’t remastered from 1960’s analog tapes.

All the best.


While I think it’s cool to have access to I agree with your point here. I’ve done a few listening experiments with files purchased from Native DSD and although the artists and recordings were excellent the results weren’t appreciably better than well produced Redbook titles.


In my listening tests the differences were small but they were audible (on my equipment). But to my point above- I did not have the same title available on CD for comparison at the time nor did I bother to take the DSD 512 file and downsample down to 16-44.1 for direct comparison. I did downsample the file to 24/192 for playback from my server and the quality was still very good although the file sizes were still extremely bloated compared to a ripped CD.


The possible reason you can’t tell the difference because majority of DSD512 filed are upsampled. I said it few times, the upsampling adds nothing but noise to the original file.


The good thing is, we have a choice. We can choose to be content with what we getting through Qobuz / Tidal or buy DSD downloads. I always appreciated the option to buy the music, one is philosophical and other reason being able to hear the music as intended by artist or studio engineer.

In my system, native DSD files do sound much superior to their streaming counterparts. They aren’t cheap but man, the dynamics and realism is off the charts.

In my system, native DSD files do sound much superior to their streaming counterparts. They aren’t cheap but man, the dynamics and realism is off the charts.

@lalitk Thanks for the good info. I’m now interested but need to check how my DAC handles DSD. If it handles native DSD and I have the right connections I’m definitely going to give it a try. Do you have any particular tracks you’d recommend and where did you get them from? I don’t mind paying up for some tracks if they offer superior sound.


I recommend downloading a sampler of your choice from They have quite a few options.