Synergistic Research Master Fuse £565

Only saw this yesterday that Synergistic Research make a Master Fuse that costs £565. That's a heck of a lot of money for a fuse, and I am sure there are those that can afford them will purchase without hesitation.




The other day, on one of my amps, the input selector knob became loose. I noted that the setscrew was grabbing the extreme end of the shaft. the knob was too tall in my opinion anyway so I stepped into my shop, put the knob in a collet, fired up the lathe, and shortend the inside of the knob 1/8". Now it grabs the shaft perfectly.

I hope I didn’t change the harmonics of the knob. I’ll let it burn in for 300 hours before I decide.


I will wait for the hype to settle ,I own their fuses ,in truth I find the Audiomagic M1 fuse to be better then theSynergistic purple especially image density and bass.

these new synergistic from comparisons it sounds like a more open airy soundstage Bigger sounding ,which maybe good in many systems but having a more grounded aspect in imagng and depth for myself is more important .

I will wait 6 months ,let’s see how much 1 fuse makes a difference .

synergistic magnifies Everything IMO ,sometimes wait and see is more sensible.

I can understand that a better quality metal in the fuse would make a difference but what I don’t understand is the prices.  Especially when a surge or if it’s in a tube preamp or amp that has a tube go bad and blow the fuse you’re out some real money.  I have tried a couple cheaper ones and they do make a difference but still. That price is crazy!  I would pay $10 or $20 but come on!