Stylus gauge recommendations ?

Priorities are ease of use & accuracy.

Thanks in advance.


I forgot to mention, because it should go without saying maybe, that you do have to be careful that the weigh pan is nonferrous (i.e., will not be attracted to the magnet in any cartridge), and must gauge the force at approximately the level of the surface of an LP mounted on the platter surface. So the weigh pan should be above the platter surface by about the thickness of an LP.  Surprisingly, some of the cheap ones appear to use stainless steel with a low level iron content. Seems the Riverstone is OK on that score.

I have a Metrosound and a Shure, plus a digital one with two decimal points.

Digital is easier but all can work just fine. The last one is your ears.

The Riverstone is all you need (great design, good build quality, simple to use), and it's cheap: $32.79 on Amazon.

The Riverstone measures VTF very close to the level of a record. Important for many tonearms.

I use the Ortofon scale and really like it. I had the Riverstone but it gave me some trouble, I honestly forget what / how, but I chunked it a long time ago 😅