If you own a Jay’s or Avatar CD Transport, this new QStab NSE Stabilizer should be a required component! Adding a QStab NSE will lift an unwanted (damping) weight from your music, highlighting a realm of undiscovered information to include a natural/rich tonality, low level detail, deeper/wider sound stage, better layering, tighter image focus, disappearing of your Loudspeakers and off the chart musicality...
I listen to a lot of string instruments and Mike’s QStab has unleashed the beauty of their resonant and the emotional essence of these amazing instruments. There is no way I’m going back to the stock stabilizer and recommend highly that you get a QStab NSE for your Jay’s or Avatar as soon as possible!
Mike’s QStab NSE is designed and manufactured in Germany and the quality is superb.
NEW! QStab NSE Natural sound for your CD-Drive with Philips CDM4 - YouTube HEADquarter Audio - Handmade Open Baffle Lautsprecher & mehr