I got sucked into the rabbit hole and read far too much of this topic. I am torn between rolling on the floor laughing at the gymnastics some will do to discredit others, and feeling I need a shower to wash off the filth for the same reason. I do say @mastering92 , you have quite the sense of humor,
per mastering92: "A failed tech executive at Microsoft"
per bio: "During my time at Microsoft, as VP of Digital Media Division, I grew to manage a division of nearly 1000 engineers, testers, marketing and business development people."
Hands up all the "failed" executives who have ever had a 1,000 people working under them. But that is getting away from audio. Before I respond, I can say that I personally, for professional reasons, find value in the work that ASR does. I can also say that there are many things about ASR, and more specifically the tone of the posters and the unearned for many of them, air of expertise they exude, that I do not like. I take what they do for what it is worth, predominantly competent measurements (at least for speakers, not all, but most). Attacking the equipment they use is not a great place to start if you want to win an argument. They are using the same, best in class, equipment that the better manufacturers would use.
I can't offer you a professional perspective on the impact of ASR on the high end consumer audio industry (though I will make some comments later), but I can make a comment on the impact of ASR on the professional market, and that is in general education. I am surprised by how many will make comments like "I read about that on ASR". For me, that makes my job easier. What about the consumer market. Well this topic is up to what, 10 pages, most of it an attempt to discredit a website that according to so many "does not matter"? How many more topics just like this would I find here, or posts sprinkled around many topics? That is a lot of head space for something that does not matter.