Origin Live Tonearms

Hi All,

I’m still modifying my Thorens TD 160 MK 1 and it will stay a dedicated mono table.   I’m not satisfied with the original TP-16 tonearm so I’m considering either the OL Silver or the Zephyr. I read somewhere that there is no sonic improvement between the two. Being dedicated to a mono cartridge, I can’t see moving too far up the chain since vertical tracking is a non factor. So if the Silver will achieve my goal, then I’d rather not spend the extra money on the Zephyr. I also see a number of used OL Silver tonearms on the used market. Any suggestions or insights are of course welcome.


@mycarnival789 Sure I'm going to follow my heart or even more so, my wallet. I'm using a modified Thorens TD 160. It's essentially a TD 160 Super with the work I've put into it. So it's similar to your Linn but without the advantage of a decent Linn tonearm.

@wturkey Currently, I'm pretty set on it staying a mono table but you're possibly correct in that I'll eventually want to mount a stereo cartridge. I'd like for someone to actually insist that the Zephyr sounds better than the Silver ( if it's true) but I've only read that they sound the same, which of course is the impetus for this post.

@noromance Actually didn't know how right you were. However, I've decided to wait until I can afford the Encounter. I believe I'd be much happier with that arm than either the Silver or the Zephyr. Also, I just upgraded my renderer/streamer so I need time to absorb the financial impact. Thanks!

I have become familiar with the Encounter and the Illustrious, through being demonstrated them in use on another's owned system.

I have only heard them in use with a Sumiko Pearwood Cart', but can assure you, there is a very good presentation from this match, one that I class as very engaging and with lots of attraction.

I have a Silver on my Sota Escape and I think it is pretty nice.   It is much better than the Rega RB300 I had in the past.   Five year warranty is pretty good too

@goofyfoot I agree with your thoughts on looking to save for the Encounter.  This is the beginning of the Origin Live arms with their dual pivot bearings.  I have had an original Silver, Encounter, Illustrious, and now have a dual arm setup with a new Conqueror mk4 and Enterprise mk4.  The Encounter can handle most cartridges well that are not low compliance and provides better adjustability IMO.  It was my primary arm for a few years and it performed well with a Cartridgeman MusicMaker3, Benz Ebony H (retipped by soundsmith), and Ortofon Cadenza Bronze.