Incredible improvement in sound quality

Ok, I am an old fart with a stereo. But my system sounds so much better tonight. Why? I went to my doctor today, as I do every six months (one of my favorite people)… and he noticed that one ear had a lot of wax. So, he had his nurse use a warm water irrigation device to clear it. Wow.

I use some drops, and work to keep my ear canals clear. But, for some reason I was not able to clear my right ear.

So, wow. My system sounds so much better. Sometimes you just need a professional. Although technically you can buy these devices for a couple hundred on line. You need to realize you need to use it.




Thanks. Do you put the krill oil in your ear, or ingest it? I take an omega supplement.


The water thing makes sense.

No to Qtips… absolutely, if you have ear wax… they just push it in… not a good thing.


I bought an orthoscopic camera for my ears last year… I am thinking the late winter is a problem for me. It is a camera and light… with a small spoon to scoop out wax. The display is your iPhone… so, you see what you are doing. While I cannot recommend the spoon… being able to look into your ear, it is really interesting. You can see the long cannel and wax… all the little hairs. So, I understand the anatomy now.


Try vibrating the wax out next time:

first move both speakers so they are 24 inches apart,

then turn the drivers to face each other,

place your head in the "sweet spot" between the speakers,

turn volume to "11", stay in that position until your ear wax melts or your nose bleeds, whichever comes first. 😁



Just take a spoonful of it a day or whatever it says on bottle.


You’ve got a great sense of humour!!! perhaps that very same test methodology would help some ASR veterans and serfs of @amir_asr ​​​​​@kenjit to hear the very real differences in audio gear that was designed for the same headphone amps, integrated amps, power amps etc.

it can’t just be "audibly transparent." Else you have lost most of your hearing and only hear the lower midrange frequencies.

@macg19 My spouse is a PhD. who works with brains. Primarily through bio and neurofeedback. Our brains establish neuropathway patterns which can relate to for instance, epileptic seizures in children or yes, tinnitus. It is a brain neuropathway issue caused by any number of factors. That is why it is so hard to cure. In order to resolve it you need to alter the neuropathic pattern and establish a new pattern. Obviously she can explain it far better than I but it is important to understand that tinnitus is not an ear or “hearing” problem although we may want to believe that it is. I suffer from it also so no one should feel like the lone ranger here.