Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"

I agree with Ray Charles.





Every generation feels the need to be more outrageous than the last just to get the attention they "deserve".

I personally don't get rap and it seems to me to be more ethnically based than not.

Can someone please explain the difference between rap and hip-hop...I may like hip-hip if I could identify it.




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It’s ok to have opinions. Just how we each feel and it’s mature to allow opinions without judgement and ridicule. I think rap is not good music and the message found in most of it is both dangerous and destructive for society. Not all of it, but the majority of it unfortunately. 

@shutupuface I can’t tell if your intention in quoting the definition of “music” was to refute someone saying rap is “music,” or to refute those who say it is not “music.”  
If it was the latter, bravo.  
If it was the former, then something quite embarrassing was just committed.

It’s amazing to me that anyone would outright dismiss the existence of something they merely don’t like. There are a million things I don’t like, but I can’t just say that Easy Cheese is “not food” just because I find it repulsive. It’s not a matter of debate. It is “food.” Of course it’s “food.”  
I agree with Scorsese that franchise/comic book movies suck. I wouldn’t say they “aren’t cinema.” Of course they’re technically “cinema.” They just really, really suck.

Are people willing to be consistent in their definition of “music?”

Is, say, Bo Diddley’s 1956 song “Who Do You Love,” a song where 100% of its verses are “rapping,” 100% of it is one chord, and aside from one beat of one measure in the chorus (the little fill after ‘whooo do you love…’) the percussion remains static/unchanged through the song, “music?” 

The criteria cited in deeming rap “not music” would then cause an enormous swath of our musical history to be deemed “not music” as well.

@davedead I certainly find it difficult to imagine that Jerry had an intellectual blindness to any genre of music”

The great thing is you don’t have to “imagine” anything.  
You just posted a video wherein he explicitly demonstrates his intellectual blindness