One of the great things about Vinyl

Is I find myself listening to recordings all the way through.

Rarely do that with CD's and/or streaming.


Dear @jjbeason14  : I think it's not if you are or are not a LP fan.


The main issue down there is that Vinyl from start ( recording process ) to end ( playback process ) is a true NIGHTHMARE against digital alternatives.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


@jjbeason14 Jus' makin' light of the process, a process I often willingly undertake. It's even more fun when I get into a jag of playing my far too many 45rpm singles.


Are both still exactly the same after rejuvenating your ears?


Do they sound different, but equally enjoyable???

I can’t say that my digital is 100% of the analog, but close.

My kids interrupt my listening with some frequency.  This is more aggravating with vinyl in that the best I can do is mute.  From a different perspective, with two teenage girls, I’m thankful that they are still talking to me.