Speakers for SET 8 Watt 300B system?

I currently have a pair Tonian Labs 12.1 classic speakers and looking to downsize to a smaller speaker footprint. Can be monitors / floor standers. Anyone out there tried other high efficiency speakers that work well with low powered SET amplifiers?
If you can locate a used pair of Cabasse Farela 401's in good shape, they were/are a match made in heaven with my 8 watt/channel 300B SET amp. They needed a sub to flesh out the bottom end but the attack, purity of tone let alone sheer musicality are to die for.

I have come close to assembling a system that could match that combo I had. I am very close now but still missing that last ounce of sheer musicality and instrumental color/tonal density and attack.

Paste the link into your browser to see the 401's.


I just obtained a pair of Sonist Concerto 4's from Jonny at Snake River Audio, and they are among the best speakers I've owned. There are three sizes of the Concerto available, the 4's being the largest. They were originally designed to be used with a 300B SET amp, but will work well with any tube amp or integrated. I believe they are 98db speakers so they won't need much amp power to work at decent listing levels. The Concerto 4's retail for around $5000. So far, they are the best speakers I've heard in that price range.
I run a pair of Zu Essence speakers (16 ohm, 100db efficiency) with my 9 watt Manley amplifiers. The sound presentation is very vivid, palpable and immediate. It took me some time to arrive at the high-efficiency SET sound, but I have no regrets. One of my Manley amps is on its way to the factory to replace a failed oil cap (the amps are 15 years old now) and my temporary replacement leaves me yearning for that SET realism.

I would give the new Zu Druids some serious consideration. They have gotten great reviews. I intend to replace my Essences, as good as they are, with the Druids this summer.
I run Coincident Frankenstein 300b mono blocks thru my Zu Druid V's and an Undertone sub with great results!