Received my Wadia i170 transport today.

Just wondering if anyone else has received one? Impressions? I'll post my impressions in a few days.
Holy is the first class tease. Thank you for nothing. I will get mine by the time you will post your impressions. Come man, give us something to talk about.
I'm listening to mine as I write this through my primary system and I am very impressed. I am running the iTransport through an Audio Aero Prestige STARS DAC/SACD player and the sound is really phenomenal.

They even included a digital coax cable and small remote.
You can set it up in less than 10 minutes.

While it may not have every bit of detail and weight that my Audio Aero conveys, you will have to remind yourself that the sound is coming from an iPod. And at this price point, its a great achievement. Wadia certainly knows what they are doing wit digital audio. (For Wadia owners, this probably comes as no surprise.)
No, it doesnt support the iPhone (at least it doesn't mention it as one that Apple products that it is made for,it may work but in my experience with products not made for the iPhone, there may be a humming sound created through your speakers) and it doesnt provide an on-screen navigation menu. You must use the iPod's screen to make your music selections. This must not be an issue for Gerryn.