Female vocalist recommendations

My morning routine starts at 530/am. Light breakfast, and my morning tea.

I then power up my audio system and listen to my morning favorites.

I love soothing female vocalists at this time of the morning.

Here are some of my favorites- Norah Jones-Jacintha-Abigail Lapell-Amber Rubarth-Anette Askvik-Margo Timmins-etc

I'm really looking for some other recommendations by the great minds on Agon.

Any and all suggestions are appreciated....and great recordings are a bonus.

Thanks in advance.



My two favorites.....Mary Black and Jennifer Warnes. Mary Black has a large catalog of great Irish-influenced music. No Frontiers, Babes in the Wood, The Holy Ground, Without the Fanfare and By the Time it Gets dark are favorites.  Jennifer Warnes has a large catalog as well, with some of her lesser known, The Hunter, The Well, Another Time, Another Place, some of her most enjoyable in my opinion.

Automatically pops up in my mind Julie London.

She is all times world champ on female voice

Check also out Sister Rosetta Tharpe