My opinion;

Rap, a.k.a. hip-hop,has to be the hardest to listen to of all the genres.Subject matter consists of violence, procuring drugs,and degrading women.I'm thinking many members are on board with this. Am I right or wrong?


My goodness.  
Is Audiogon Music Forum trying to go for the Guinness World Record for “most discussion threads criticizing rap music on an online music forum” and “most discussion threads fetishizing vocals performed by females on an online music forum”??

i was from the hood too...


... just joking.


wutchu guys talkin about ??? Why iz u playin wid me son? ain't nobody got time for dat

@czarivey   Criticizing other genres of music severely diminishes your credibility.

@tylermunns  This is an Audiophile site where sound quality is as important as the artist. Don't expect threads breaking down the great Lauryn Hill recording but do expect the worship of Eva Cassidy or Nora Jones.