Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"

I agree with Ray Charles.





@ab2ab What is this “impact on society” you speak of? How can some music “impact society,” and what does such “impact” entail?

“…rap is a particularly focused medium for social degeneracy…by design.”

Honestly, where does one come up with this stuff? “By design?” What??

”…medium for social degeneracy.” So much vagueness and empty rhetoric.

I honestly don’t know what you’re trying to say, but I do know what it sounds very similar to: the laughably narrow minded comments on rock and roll made by people  in the 1950s.  
You know, those comically reactionary, silly comments we saw people making about rock n roll in the 1950s  
You know, those things we laugh at.


Most rap is heard out of vehicle speakers over-amped to severe distortion, bass-heavy to the point of pneumatic force on the stomachs of the involuntary listeners.


RAP is a way for people with no ability to sing to get into the music business. It's just alota yamma.

@ab2ab I quote from you: " and based on its impact among a certain segment of society, rap is a particularly focused medium for social degeneracy."

Are you for real? I mean, grow a pair and just say "Black people are degenerate" already and stop hiding behind the clumsy euphemistic labels. Stop being a cliche cowardly bigot.

Plus, you’ve been a member here for almost 8 years and have contributed a grand total of 19 times- most of them snarky, dimwitted whinging.

@parnelligq You’re not much better. besides your ignorant overgeneralization, you’ve contributed a grand total of 17 responses since you joined 3 years ago. But apparently a chance to cluelessly generalize really inspires you.

@charles7 really? Is this based on careful social study or on what you want to believe? Or maybe on your own experience? I mean, I could say the same thing about Boomer rock.

@davedead Yes, Jerry was an iconic and inspiring soul (though I always felt Bobby could convey raw emotion better), but I wouldn't assume that what he says is the be all end all of musical observation. He was a flawed person like all of us.