A couple of reasons we might stop listening to new music could be that your ex(es) left, took anything (and, everything) that could be flipped for cash, and the most musically satisfying device in your current possession is an LG sound bar. And, you’ve misplaced the %^)%#’d!! remote control?
But, seriously:
Let’s flip this 179 degrees (almost the opposte direction -- but, not quite).
What if we create a NEW topic, ask members what they find most "musically satisfying" and then assist them with exploring NEW music that has some of those elements? The scope could also include what musical(?) elements make them want to rush out of the room.
Likes: Music with major chords. Good vocals. Something you can tap your toes to. Sing along with. Musical genuious helpful, but not required. Texture. Rhythm. Ccmplexity when not expected. Simplicity at just the right times. Musical intros and breaks that "go with the music" - not to show off the dexterity of the artist. Lyrics and themes you can share with others -- especially family. Being a gifted poetic is helpful. Beautiful music, artfully crafted. Drama: not in-your-face, but in contrast to delicacy and nuance skillfully woven into the piece. Dynamic contrast. Musical "hooks" -- the more the merrier.
Dislikes: repetition. Monotones. Monorhytms: "Hey, if I wanted to hear the same song over and over again, I’d just cue up Hotel California and put it on repeat!!" Uneven order harmonics for extended periods of time. Loud, and louder. Lyrics that you wouldn’t repeat at your grandkid’s high school graduation party.
Response from members: "Based on what you listed, you might like ..... It’s experimental, but worth checking out." Another member: "Well, this guy never set his guitar on fire on stage, but he’s pretty good."
This method may extract/filter an interest in NEW music for old codgers?