The best plug in filter ever!

Puron AC Power Conditioner by Greg Voth

After reading rave review of Puron AC plug in filter, I had got one 10 days ago.

For your information my system is very complicated with bi amping and three Farad linear supplies.

Thus I have 14 power cables, one main power conditioners, three isolation transformers.

I had tried plug in fliters from quiet lines, quartet stecker, IFI, furutech, Nordost Qv2 and QX2 fliters.

I still have all of them in my system without selling any of them.

I am collector. 😁

All of them had brought slight improvement but not drastic change.

But as soon as I inserted Puron Ac filter, it made background black with more details and clear bass.

The stereotimes review is spot on.

Encouraged by the result, I had ordered two more of them so that I can insert more of them close to amps and Dac.

Now my system got transformed with more vivid and clear sound stage but not overetched.

This is the best 750$ that I had spent during last 5 years in my audio system.




 I have the two Purons I bought in the receptacle my Audience Adept Response r12 conditioner  is plugged into and the other Puron in the receptacle my amp is plugged into.

 As others  have mentioned with the Purons you get more detail without any harshness. A better word would be more natural. The bass is definitely cleaner. What I thought was great before has been elevated with the addition of the Puron filters.

  I don’t like using a common audio description however with the Purons the musical information is coming froma blacker background.  I couldn't be more happier. With a money back guarantee you have nothing to loose , just a lot to gain sound wise. Thanks Mark.


I’ve been following this thread for a few months and reached out to Mark little over a month ago. I have to say Mark has been great to work with and he never once pressured me to buy. He just reminded me I have 30 days to enjoy it and if I didn’t like it, I could send it back. Just so you know Mark, we miss you here in Colorado. 

I received my Puron last Sunday and did not have time to listen to it until this weekend. I have to say, it did not disappoint and everything everyone else has stated, I’m also hearing in my system. I plugged mine into the same duplex that my Deep=Core is plugged into. My Equi=Core MK II is plugged into the Deep=Core where all my components are connected. The Puron has opened up my system and the detail has expanded exponentially. Female voices really sound amazing in such a way I can hear when they take a breathe. This thing is a hoot. 

I received one last Wednesday. I have all of my main system’s equipment hooked into a Blue Circle Audio BC6000 power conditioner. I have a Shunyata Venom Defender in the same outlet that the Blue Circle is plugged into, and found it effective in further lowering the noise floor. I also like having it there as it adds additional surge protection. I have whole home surge protection at the panel but we get a lot of lightning in the Memphis area and it has taken out the protection at the panel twice so I prefer to have back up protection. I placed the Puron in the 1st outlet of the Blue Circle, my initial sense after some listening sessions is that it adds a further measure of lowering the noise floor. Positive impact but not godsmacking. Worth the $250? Yes.
BTW I previously had a Furutech Clearline in the position I have the Puron and Inever really heard any appreciable improvement using it, but it also didn’t detract.


Please try to plug the Puron directly into the wall outlet that your conditioner is plugged into, if only for a few days.  And sorry, 2 Puron's is even better than 1!




especially happy about this –


As others have mentioned with the Purons you get more detail without any harshness


I think this is a very key statement. Puron delivers a positive reaction in virtually every system it’s been tested in – be it Audio or Video.

Could not have said this better myself.



Lynn and I both miss Colorado too. Texas is warm and easy on our lives -

Happy Purons have found a home with my friends Deep Core and EQUI=CORE. Great marriage – no divorce in sight 😊



Good stuff all. Puron will integrate well – better as time goes on

Power On!


I agree 😊