Lumin X1 and Upgraded DC umbilical cord for power supply.

I know this question is so very specific but just wonderin’ if anyone has experimented with aftermarket umbilical cords to be used with their Lumin streamers.

I see that a company called Westminster Labs sell a cord for $$$. And Audio Sensibilities also sells a cord for much less and has my interest.

Has anyone had experience using one of these cords?





Well now you got me talking. (posting) With my Lumin X1 I am using Critical Mass CS2 1.5" footers on both the power supply and on the Lumin proper. I also have installed the new SR Master Fuse.

Both of these were very BIG improvements and easily a very high noticeable improvement in sound quality.



I have ordered a SR Master Fuse F2A - 250v 20mm X 50mm for my
I should receive it in a week.

Reading these forums  , is getting expensive ;-) .

I have been using AV RoomService felt EVP (Equipment Vibration Protectors) under my Lumin X1 and also under the X1 power supply in lieu of the standard feet.  I use them under the body of both, not under the existing feet.

Hopefully tomorrow I will receive the Audio Sensibilities umbilical cord. If USPS comes through...


I was surprised that the Lumin X1 power supply would perform better (sonically) with aftermarket footers.
