Lumin X1 and Upgraded DC umbilical cord for power supply.

I know this question is so very specific but just wonderin’ if anyone has experimented with aftermarket umbilical cords to be used with their Lumin streamers.

I see that a company called Westminster Labs sell a cord for $$$. And Audio Sensibilities also sells a cord for much less and has my interest.

Has anyone had experience using one of these cords?





I have ordered a SR Master Fuse F2A - 250v 20mm X 50mm for my
I should receive it in a week.

Reading these forums  , is getting expensive ;-) .

I have been using AV RoomService felt EVP (Equipment Vibration Protectors) under my Lumin X1 and also under the X1 power supply in lieu of the standard feet.  I use them under the body of both, not under the existing feet.

Hopefully tomorrow I will receive the Audio Sensibilities umbilical cord. If USPS comes through...


I was surprised that the Lumin X1 power supply would perform better (sonically) with aftermarket footers.



It has been over 2-1/2 years since I purchased the EVP's and only a week separated getting shipment of them in for X1 and then power supply.   Your comment makes me think I should check on the X1 power supply with and without the EVP's under it now.   I have made system changes since getting them--server and streamer, modified switch and power supply for it and preamp with another DAC included and settling in with fiber instead of RJ45 for my X1.   I'm currently burning in a new USB cable for the other DAC and would like to get another 50 or so hours on that first, but should get there by end of the week to compare against current USB and against AES/EBU from my streamer.  I then can do some evaluation listening to the X1 with and without the EVP's under the Lumin power supply.   I will follow up here on my impressions.