@grantgg: I am surprised that neither you, in your quite lengthy list of Class-D amps (including integrated models), nor has anyone else contributing to this forum’s thus-far two pages of discussion on this topic, mentioned the now quite widely advertised HiFi Rose RA180 integrated amplifier. which is admittedly a rather unusual-looking piece of Class-D audio equipment with its gear-driven volume control and other SteamPunk-like features (some liken its appearance to the high-end Swiss manufacturer Nagra’s equipment).
This Seoul, South Korea-based company claims that it is using a new variety of solid-state transistors, gallium nitride (GaN) FET transistors in place of the standard silicon ones, which for technical reasons are claimed to greatly improve the sound of traditional Class-D amplifiers, which suffer from time-delay problems associated with using silicon-based transistors.
Julie Mullins of Stereophile Magazine published a review of the HiFi Rose RA180 integrated amplifier on December 2, 2022 - take a look at her in-depth review here: HiFi Rose RA180 integrated amplifier | Stereophile.com.
I’m surprised no one else posting here has mentioned this particular integrated amp, which is quite feature-laden, including its ability to drive biamplifed speakers.