The thing is you can’t predict this based on how a speaker was measured or an amp was measured
Much more accurately, YOU cannot predict much about a speaker and how most people will feel about the sound when the room is known, and a full range of measurements are available. A lack of experience does not extend to all people.
However, even for other products your statement is still YOU, not everyone. Many amp vendors, D'Agostino, Pass, Macintosh even claim they tune their amps specifically for their sound (some have a few sounds) and that is based on a transfer function that is unique to their products or a group of their products. Given there is no way at all they can test their amplifiers with more than a small subset of speakers, but achieve reported consistent results, they have a good handle on the measured performance. However, just a few topics over, you are advocating 100% for matched amplifiers to drivers for active speakers, which is 100% a measurement exercise. That position and your statement I quoted are at odds with each other.