This is a subjective hobby after all, isn’t it, or do you guys just sit around and look at charts, graphs and oscilloscopes. I enjoy the music more because I don’t worry about how my equipment measures.
No, you worry about a ton of things in your system that don't matter while we enjoy music. You think your wires may have sound. You think your amp has sound. You think the table you put the system on has sound. You think your AC has sound. You think digital sources have sound. You think, well, you get the point.
We on the other hand, buy performant systems with confidence and sit back and enjoy it. We know why it sounds right. You don't. You are forever chasing ghosts in audio. The anxiety that comes with that must be immense.
Ask anyone who has converted from your camp and above is the answer they give you. While you keep upgrading, tweaking, replacing stuff to remove that other "veil" and get blacker backgrounds, we queue up another track to enjoy.
So I suggest getting off that talking point. That dog don't hunt....