Shunyata Delta or Alpha V2 NR vs. AQ Hurricane HC

Anyone ever compare these cables on the amp? I’m pretty happy with Hurricane but wondering about the latest Shunyata.
Any thoughts?



it’s all about system synergy. The synergy between your cables and your electronics, such as your amps, preamp, DAC, and speakers. The newer Shunyata Alpha V2 NR might not be suitable for your system.

And I would let the cables burn in for at least 200 hours before doing some critical listening. I know you mentioned earlier that you have the new Shunyata cables in your system for a few weeks now, but you will have to keep your electronics turned on the whole time and preferably playing some music non stop so that it will draw more current from the wall in order to speed up the burn in or break in process of your new Shunyata cables.

@dilatante yup over 200hrs drawing current. Don’t like it. I’ll continue exploring. 
Going to run a dedicated line soon and will see if it changes things. 


You will always have to run a dedicated line for your hi-fi audio setup back having said that with a dedicated line won’t change the tonality of your system, he’ll only improve the overall performance of your system. It will be quieter so it will let the music emerges from darker blacker and pink hear background which will affect other areas in sonic qualities as well. So if you said having the Shunyata Alpha NR V2 cord made your system sound leaner and cooler having a dedicated line won’t change that. 

My townhouse is a new build, 5 years old, with new overhead wiring and a new transformer only 20m from my house in a gated development.

The sound I get there is free of hash and I use a Plixir 3000 power conditioner which doesn't filter. It's a big power reservoir. My amp goes in the wall.

On the contrary my house in the country has an ancient 3 phase mains power supply and the transformer is about 1km away. Even though the house and internal wiring is only about 18 years old, I can't get a sound anywhere near as good as my townhouse.

Just saying sometimes it's out of your control.

My conclusions mirror audphile 1’s. And especially about the entire Alpha line. I had - all the way back to the Zi-Tron line, found the Alpha cables to be....bland. (This is going back to 2011). I find the ZiTron Alpha HC, as well as the Sigma line, to seem to have a very mild suckout in the lower midrange. Gabriel Caelin, the designer, disagrees with me, but no Alpha cable, no matter its provenance, has sounded less than "lean" to my ears. I wonder why they don’t hear it. Just listening to Frank Sinatra’s voice will tell someone what’s missing in the Alpha line, although it requires careful listening.

So, I finally went with a Sigma V2. I had a Sigma NR V1 back in 2016. I eventually sold it (I must’ve been high or something!), but after noodling around with Anaconda ZiTron cables, Python ZiTron and the like over the past 4 years, I decided to buy the Sigma again. And I’m extremely happy with it. It has great bass; not just bass weight, but bass dynamics. Many cables give defintion, or weight, OR dynamics, but frequently, not all three. The Sigma delivers all three, so you don’t feel as if your music is like an upside pyramid, with most of the "weight" of a performance very apparent in the midrange and highs, but the upper-, mid-, and low-bass are all anemic, which is what causes people to think the presentation is "thin" or "lean." If you have a solid midbass, that is what causes images to seem to be solidly "there-in-the-room" and not just ghostly imaging (the Series 1 WATTS, despite their lack of a lower midrange, had the most physical imaging I’ve ever heard. I can only imagine what it would’ve sounded like, back in 1986, with a Sigma power cord, although Shunyata did not exist until 15 years later. 

Shunyata makes great power cords, no matter WHAT the naysayers say (and I'll match my ears with theirs ANY day!). I’ve had Transparent’s top of the line (the Reference and then the MM2), Nordost’s Valhalla cables (and Tyr 2) and Shunyata. The only ones I have now are the Shunyata.