@goofyfoot you inquired " I'm assuming you get paid for this? "
I have never been remunerated for time or expenditure, the reward is plentiful enough, being involved with the skilled and creative types learning from them and witnessing their conceptions become realised.
I have for numerous years (30ish), built a social networking with likeminded individuals around my interest in HiFi equipment used to enable a Recorded Music Replay.
I chose not to be lone listener in a room many years past.
I am totally satisfied with the miles travelled and experiences encountered and the influences that have had a substantial impact on how I have built a system.
Some experiences have been so fulfilling, my system has as a result, Commission Designed /Built devices, that are proving extremely good choices.
Not much in use is Branded Goods or remains true to a Brands Model that was once offered as part of a Catalogue Item..