Looking for new universal player/Arcam DV137?

I currently have a Sony DVP9000ES in an all Classe CA201, SSP25 and B&W CDM9nt system. I am looking to change the Sony piece for a CD,DVD, SACD player that will upsample for 1080i.
I am willing to spend around $1500. I was thinking about the Arcam DV137. I know it may be a little more than I want to spend, but I think it will be a better 2 channel CD player. I don't really have the room for separate CD and DVD players. Any suggestion or feedback on the arcam
How about a Denon 5910? You should be able to pick up a non "Ci" version for less than $1500.
Thanks. Looks expensive. Did not see any for $1500 on a quick search. How would the 2ch CD sound of the Denon be compared to like an Arcam?
Arcam is a fantastic choice. It is a monster player as well as a movie source. You really cant go wrong with Arcam when it comes to DVD or CD.
If you like Sony, you may want to look at the DVP-NS9100ES. I have one and it is capable of upsampling to 1080i. I have a Sony "HD" crt tv with 720p resolution (I think). Anyway, the picture through component video is excellent and the player supports HDMI. They are pretty cheap used, usually around 450.