Ready to replace my stock power cables with a limited budget...Ideas, opinions, favorites please...




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So, @carlsbad your implication was clearly that Biden caused the price of cables to increase. I know your ilk isn’t big on facts or evidence and more on just flouting unsubstantiated claims, but please regale us with your evidence on specifically how Biden is responsible for increasing the price of audio cables. I’d love to hear your economic analysis and could use a good laugh. I will stomp your argument into the ground if you continue this ridiculous statement because you clearly have no knowledge of global economics, but I’d be just as happy if you refrain from bringing partisan politics into our audio discussions. It brings no value, and go elsewhere for that please.

At that price point, I would buy Wattgate copper connectors and some Cardas wire and DIY.

Best to the OP in your  search for better music…

Can we please please please leave politics out of these discussions? Please!