Low level listening

I am interested in everybody's thoughts on speakers on low level listening. Currently I have Tekton Lore's. They are the upgraded model and I like them, but they open to most of the time at a higher volume then I'm comfortable with. Smart me had to much fun listening to live music. " tinnitus".  I have ordered Magnapan LRS+ which I auditioned at my home which seemed more articulate at lower volumes. Any other ideas would be appreciated. Speakers or cures ? Just kidding about cures. 


Just reiterating about Magnepans and low-volume listening.

I had the LRS (first edition) and switched to the 1.7i, they definitely sound better to me at lower volume levels, either with, or without a pair of REL T7/x subs in the mix.  Low to medium volume for me.

Same room, same gear, driving CSS Criton 1TD-X stand-mounts and I find I want those babies cranked up.  If I want to listen loud they are much better than the Maggies.

FWIW, the 1TD-X have more definition, clarity, "air" or whatever, they just sound better and I can more easily pick out the individual instruments/voices.  Bass is much better defined w/wo the subs.  Bass tone is definitely better. bells, triangles, cymbals sound more defined and natural.  Singers are right there

The 1TD-X are less than 1/2 the cost of the Maggies and will fill a small/medium room with sound.  They are as inefficient as the Maggies and need lots of juice to get them going.  Just my 2 cents.

I highly recommend the Tannoy Legacy Eaton stand mount speakers. They sound great at low volumes. The 10" driver and wide baffle could have something to do with it, who knows. I typically don't listen very loud, so these speakers have been the right choice for me. They will play reasonably  loud when asked to. They also do not require a ton of power. 

btw, my comments about Fletcher Munson, and 'Loudness' relate to very low listening. That's when the Bass player starts to dissapear.

Many here must consider low listening as what many of us would consider normal.

I have found that the idea of speakers sounding their best at low volume level depends on the amplifier as much as it does on the speaker.  This is regardless of Fletcher Munson or relative volume of frequency adjustments.  

For example class D amplifiers tend to require higher volumes to come alive in the bass regardless of speakers.  

Class A amplifiers tend to do the best job at lower volume levels as do robust Class A-B designs that are stable to very low impedances.  

That said there are speakers that do a better job too- mainly higher efficiency designs 89db and higher including your Tektons.  

Your Tekton speakers should be capable of quality low volume listening and if they do not, look to your amplifier as the reason.  

I was going thru the same thing with my KEF Blades, They were uninvolving until I started pushing to 90db and above, but for me the magic happens at softer volumes. I swapped my Hegel H590(the Beast) for a pair of Mc611's and was amazed at how much the blades opened up at low volumes with less than a watt running thru them? go figured.