Just upgraded my cart to a Koetsu Rosewood Signature...

I thought that my Dynavector Kaitora Rua sounded good, but with some tweaking of my tonearm mass the Koetsu blows' it out of the water!!

My Dynavector was getting up there in hours (just about 1000) and it was time to try something new and different. My dealer recommended the Rosewood Signature so I had him order me one. Now he stated that the cart would be compatible with my arm an Acoustic Signature TA-2000


After reading more on the high compliance of the Koetsu I had my reservations, but had him install it anyway.

When I first started listening yes it sounded better but the bass was not what I had envisioned, it was kind of flabby.

So doing some research I added 4 gms of weight to the headshell and wow this is what I thought a $5500 cart should sound like.

With the added weight everything improved greatly, bass, detail, soundstage, pace 

Every time I play an album that I have played many times I am hearing things that I have never heard before (-;



Low compliance, not high compliance. Which is why the added mass on the headshell helps.

Click on the small down arrow above next to “DiscussionFORUM” at the top of this page and choose Virtual Systems.  Once in that area choose “create system” in the yellow banner.

lewm thanks for the correction..

I click on "create system" in the box it says tlittlefield's system and when I click on create system is tells me a "used can't be blank"



try another route...

  • Click on the down arrow next to your user name (top right)
  • click edit account (2nd to last in the drop down)
  • Click on the down arrow next to your user name again and select My Virtual Systems - from there you should be able to create/edt one

Or refresh the browser and try again and name it something else not the default