Best cheap speaker cables............again

Hello all,
I will apologize in advance for asking this question as it is probably one of the most discussed topics
I am looking for some recommendations for a good single wire speaker cable. I am driving a pair of Vienna Haydn's with a pair of Cary tube mono blocks. My old speakers were bi wired and the Haydn's are not. I can't re terminate my current cables so I'm looking at some new wires. Budget under $300.00 and the runs are about 7 feet long. My initial thoughts have been Morrow, signal cable, AQ type 4, zu mission for new cables, but I am certainly not against buying used.

Everything is system-dependent. I had the Clear Days in my system and they were too bright. My buddy had the Grovers and in his system they colapsed the soundstage. What works wonders in one system is a negative in another.
Thanks for all the advice. I ended up trying out the level 2 anti cables between my Cary tube mono blocks and my vienna Haydn's. they sound amazing! ( thanks Mark)! Since i am never done tinkering, I am also going to give the reality cables a try as well. I will also try out a few of the other recommendations from you all. I'll keep you all posted.
Thanks again for all the advice
Best regards,
The Skipper
One more recommendation.....Analysis Plus Oval 9. Hard to beat the performance for the price.
Get used cables...and I can highly recommend AQ Type 8 speaker cable...simply a great design, and my 10' pair are clear as a bell.
Walmart extension cords. I think they are outdoor models. I use them on my Vandersteen model 5 speakers. I know there is way better but I don't care, the system sounds really good.

Happy Listening.