I vote for single table with 2 arms on it, or 1 base with interchangeable arm wands:
most active cartridge on main arm, 2nd arm with removable headshell for favorite ’other’. any cartridge, including your visiting friends.
2nd arm, already correct for current VTA, tracking force, anti-skate.
Switch headshell, (overhang and null points done): adjust tracking force and anti-skate (easy, I use blank LP to watch anti-skate, quick and accurate).
The issue is VTA. My second arm has easy VTA. On the Fly isn’t the object, quick and easy arm height for any cartridge is the point.
In my case, I squeezed a 3rd arm on, with a MONO cartridge pre-mounted, ready to swap back and forth Stereo/Mono/Other cartridge ... i.e. Oscar Peterson, short pile of LP’s, oh, this one’s mono, ...
IMPLEMENTATION of multiple arms:
I chose a Vintage Fidelity Research SUT, FRT-4, this one is in nice shape
Notice: 3 front selectable inputs, one output remains into your Phono Stage.
Optional settings for various MC cartridges
PASS for MM or High Output MC cartridges skips the innards of the SUT.
You can see my 3 arm table here (8th photo):
Mine is a JVC plinth designed for 2 arms, CLP-2
main arm, long one (mine blackbird from russia 12.5", fixed cartridge, set screw arm height, with attached micrometer for fine adjustment
2nd arm: removable headshell, VTA on the Fly, so easy, Acos Lustre GST-801, advantage, reasonably small base. Unique Magnetic forces.
They make an older GST-1, also easy VTA, but it needs a special cutout.
sold, but shows it well
3rd arm, fixed cartridge (I squeezed a 3rd arm on for mono). Mission 774LC (jelco), short rear balance section and small base (skip the plate, simple small round plate) to just fit when dust cover is on..
I recently added it up, total cost including 3 cartridges: $5,500. Lot of work putting it together piece by piece, and my cartridges are nice but not pricey: MC: AT33PTG/II MM: existing Shure body V15Vxmr with new Jico SAS on boron. several alternates on headshells, ready to go MONO: Grado; and I had VAS rebuild an AT33PTG MONO body with advanced stylus, that will occasionally go on rear removable headshell arm.
Other options I have seen/personally setup for friends:
single base with changeable arm wands, cartridges pre-mounted, easy VTA
Technics EPA-B500 base, magnificent engineering
straight fixed cartridge arm wand
s arm, removable headshell
Steve’s, at VAS VPI with uni-pivot base, several ’lift off’ arms with cartridges pre-mounted
Luxman PD-444 Two arm Table. Simple looking, but some very nice engineering involved.
saw micro seiki 3 arm TT
and recently discovered they make a 4 arm version ....1500
I had no idea where I was going when I started, but with help here, and a bit of research, I ended up with my frankentable!