I have found that even 10 down to 8 will make a difference in my atc 19 standmounts.More in bass transients though.
Had Hollowgram II - 8awg.Which at times offered so much bass that it made my stand mounts sound like small floorstanders/felt like too much at times.After having these in my system for well over 15+ years...I wanted to compare some other like awg wires after reading diy projects reviewed.
Started DIY project with the usual wires.
Mogami 3104...8.5 awg.Great wire and on par with hollow grams with dynamics.I had to run these in hard to clean out some usual bloat and open high's and was rewarded nicely.Honest timber and Could live with them if really.
canare 4s11...11 awg.Felt like system needed more...good sounding though.Open and nice verve to it
Canare 4s12...10 awg.Felt very close to 4s11.Was bought by ghent cables redone.Could have used more hours.After 400-500hrs I felt i knew enough were they stood.
Furez 4/12...8.5 awg.Nice open sound to this wire/fep insulation?...glad i could get it when i did.These are up there with mogami 3104 in dynamics but touch more open.
My current wire is Zavfinos prema mrkII...9 awg.These are occ as well as hollow gram with center silver coated wire.These are the balance i believe my system needed.
I will add that i had a pair of Audio envy 9’s that were a great sounding wire.This cable bucked the awg theory that a bigger wire is more "effective in Quality"...so trying is the only way to know about the "sound quality" imho.In the end thought that is was the lowend that was the biggest trade off.