What's A Good Upgrade From A Manley Steelhead?

I'm on a mission to improve my vinyl front-end. Starting point is to replace the Graham 2.2 on my Basis Audio Debut Gold Vacuum, followed by a new compatible cartridge, next will be a different phonostage.

I like the Steelhead but I'm sure there's something better out there. I've around $8K  to play with and prefer to buy used. Has anyone stepped up from the Steelhead successfully, if so, what did you buy and how much of an improvement was it?

Appreciate any thoughts/ideas? 



I see that you are familiar with Deja Vu Audio in Vienna, Virginia.  They make custom horn systems that are pricey, but, they are worlds apart from Klipsch, Altec and the like.  Deja Vu utilizes pretty exotic vintage drivers and currently manufactured drivers from Japan and Italy, and these systems are very different in sound from more common horn-based systems.  If you are interested in horns, you should at least hear one of these custom systems.

By the way, I have a turntable like yours.  I also have a Debut with vacuum clamp.  I also have the Basis motor control unit.  My tonearm is the Basis Vector arm.  I have two cartridges, a Lyra Titan and a Transfiguration Orpheus L.  


I wish :)

I would like to upgrade some day to the Manley line. They don't just sound good, they are the best design to my eyes, and EveAnna is a natural at this.

Don't wish, make it happen one day silly grisly.  Patiently wait for a clean well taken used unit to hit the market of your desire ... save your pennies in the meantime. If it takes two or more years then so-be-it.

@dabel very true. I can see myself slowing trading up, however the wife factor is real, I don't have good solutions.



I've a White Dove also, now 29 years and counting with three of our DNA walking around. I understand ... and your Hail Marry toss has been caught for a Touchdown ;-)

Funny thang happens when you've finally saved enough and start ones search again. She'll appear, or just maybe by that time you've jumped ship for another Brand whom has caught your attention.