Reviewers exist primarily to promote product.
Really? I used to review a bit, and have known many audio reviewers. I can’t think of a single one who thinks of themselves that way, or who approach their reviewing just to promote a product.
Does it matter how they see themselves?
Besides I was referring to paid professional reviewers. I find owner/amateur reviews to be generally far more relevant.
I can hardly think of a single review which came close to describing what I later heard in person.
Maybe you weren’t terribly good at, or didn’t put much effort in to weeding through reviews.
I have gradually improved at weeding out reviews which contain sins of commission, but I still can’t account for those which feature sins of omission.
To not mention issues that could prove problematic is a general malaise these days. We see it everywhere from a school reports to employer references.
The great majority of products that received glowing reviews turned out to be crushing disappointments in real life. [fully loaded Linn/Naim six pack was shockingly bad when I’d been expecting near perfection]
Ah, looks like you were maybe to high in your expectations regarding reviews.
So were tens of 1000s of others who were brought up on the UK press in the 1980s.
Time and time again I reminded myself to never again trust ANY reviews.
It’s the oldest adage in audio but you really do have to listen for yourself.
Why did you need reminding?
Once upon a time I took professional reviews seriously. After all, they were written by experienced journalists who usually spoke with a voice of authority.
As has been already mentioned several times in this thread, they are nothing such. In fact reviews are very little more than a rough guide.
This salient fact is not always apparent to those who are new to the big and often bewildering world of audio.
As the OP stated, it can be disappointing for audio novices to eventually discover that professional reviewers are not experts in anything at all.
Far from it.
They just have better access to a wider range of equipment than we do.