What are some good things to do when going to an audition

Trying to get some more ideas on some rules to follow when partaking in an audition.  Here are some of the initial thoughts on this:

  1. Don't Touch the equipment without permission
  2. Don't set your drink on equipment
  3. Be honest about your intentions of engaging in the audition.
  4. Its a good practice to bring a few CDs so you can listen to what you like.

Am I missing any?  


Plus 1 @tomic601 

Bring a SPL meter.  We have a place here that try’s to impress you by playing music loud, like over 100 db loud. 

Get the salesman/owner to start talking about their kids or grandkids. It will soften them up, and should be good for another 6%-8% discount. If they have a dog, add (subtract?) another 2 points. If they have a collection of Precious Moments figurines, you’ve hit the Holy Grail of emotional impact. Share with them you mutual admiration, and get prepared for a "cost plus 10% family discount."

Record (audio only or video) your audio sound with your smart phone. And record the auditioned audio sound with the same phone. Compare 2 recorded sounds few times.

Human ears are always biased. The mic in smart phone is not. Human ears and brain will figure out the audio sound from different room acoustics. Alex/wavetouch

Record (audio only or video) your audio sound with your smart phone. And record the auditioned audio sound with the same phone. Compare 2 recorded sounds few times.

There’s not much point to an in-person audition if you’re basing your decision on the audio from a smart phone. For that matter, why bother with high end audio at all if you’ll just be listening on your phone to things like YouTube?

Human ears are always biased.

That we are always subject to bias does not mean that we are always biased. Of course there are always those who believe they know what we hear.