Streaming alternatives to pricey kaleidoscope?

I've looked at the kaleidoscope system  and found it compelling but also it's inconvenient and very pricey, regardless of your income level the pricing is very annoying.

Netflix, HBO, Amazon Apple, and the other lesser streaming services offer good sound along with the video but they have limited the ability to improve the sound Quality which is very sad.

Is there any service out there that is aspiring toward what kaleidoscope has done? Where is surprising and disappointing is that sound quality is so poor these days for the streaming services. It's a modern day tragedy in my opinion.


I really like qwest tv which I watch through the plex app for concert videos:



Welcome to the forum, I see its your first post. The additional info is VERY helpful, especially about the sound. Have you any experience with playing back atmos content, both on music and movies? 

Did you show info is very helpful.

However, the added power supply to me is an ad on that maybe redundant/unnecessary for most people here.  I have a good power supply arrangement and my focus is the sound quality.

So to the extent the Apple TV box can be improved in this area that would be a huge plus and Worth pursuing.

Of course the final problematic concern is we're dealing with compressed signals and not sure how this can really be over come.