Which is the best CD-Player up to $ 10k ?

I´m looking for a very good cd-player in the price range up to 10k to be paired with my new Ayon Audio Sunfire single ended tube integrated.

On my short list are Wadia 581SE, Audio Research CD-7, Ayre C-5xe, Esoteric X-01 Ltd. and Audio Aero Prestige SE

Main music preference is classical music, opera, and electronic music.

Speakers are Ayon Audio with ceramic drivers.

Cabelling is all Shunyata Research (but is planned to be exchanged with either Virtual Dynamics or Stealth Audio)

Any input regarding these units is highly appreciated. Thanks fellows !
Tried to contact the guys from playback designs but didn´t get any response. I wanted to know where in Germany you can buy these players. In the meantime I´v bought the Nagra and I´m VERY satisfied with the results.
I'm really tempted to pull the trigger on the Playback Designs but at $10k, I would expect at least some kind of 30-day trials be granted.
...but at $10k, I would expect at least some kind of 30-day trials be granted.
Much better yet, an in-home demo without cost (or at nominal cost, applicable to purchase) or obligation. Would you buy a car sight unseen and without a test drive?
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