It was good to see someone with actual dealer/customer experience share their observations related to the dealer in question. The more important comments for the OP would have been not such much an invitation to "pile on this dealer", but rather, ask the question: "Does his policies work for you?" If not, choose another dealer. Or: "Why didn’t we connect?"
As I read thru the early posts, and being an retired dealer, I came up with several scenarios/explainations of my own.
1) the guy IS a jerk. A later post by gasley easily disqualified this option.
2) he’s a hardened and caloused audio dealer, who’s had his fill of being jerked around, and simply taking the position that "enough is enough!" Maybe?
3) he’s reached a "good place" in his audio career and spends the bulk of his time supporting the customers who kept the letters in his sign burning out front for decades. He has already arrived at a point where closing a sale RIGHT NOW is no longer a strong motivator. Instead of a whack-a-mole business philosophy he has learned where to best position valuable resources, including himself, and acts accordingly. Being a "good steward of his customer’s money" is high on his list of priorities. His customers are perfectly okay with him making money -- they want him to stick around for a while. Some may actually understand the element of "fair exchange" and maybe even send him an annual "Thank You" card.