Which is the best CD-Player up to $ 10k ?

I´m looking for a very good cd-player in the price range up to 10k to be paired with my new Ayon Audio Sunfire single ended tube integrated.

On my short list are Wadia 581SE, Audio Research CD-7, Ayre C-5xe, Esoteric X-01 Ltd. and Audio Aero Prestige SE

Main music preference is classical music, opera, and electronic music.

Speakers are Ayon Audio with ceramic drivers.

Cabelling is all Shunyata Research (but is planned to be exchanged with either Virtual Dynamics or Stealth Audio)

Any input regarding these units is highly appreciated. Thanks fellows !
I'll say it in a different way.

EMM LABS approach:

We believe in cd playback and we try to get the best out of it.

AMR approach:

We believe cd playback is flawed by design and we use tubes to get a better result.
here is a relevant question:

when listening to the amr vs the emm, in which case is the timbre of an instrument rendered more like the actual instrument ?

from what i have gleaned, the amr will be less timbrally inaccurate than the emm.

both players are inaccurate, as no component is perfect. one may create a more natural representation of reality than the other. that is the player i woould want to own.

is the amr the last word with respect to timbre ?

perhaps there is another player to compete with it, such as the audio aero capitole mk 1 and the lector 7 mk 1.
by the way, "analytical", is not a synonym for "accurate".

if the emm is analytical, it is significantly colored. how is that a basis for recommending it for purchase ?
who would want to own an "analytical" sounding component ?
Read the reviews here and at the Audioasylum of Playback Designs MPS-5. It's gone head to head with a couple of Emms in those reviews. I'm taking mine to Austin in September to A-B vs. a dcS stack. A new owner wrote me a couple of weeks ago that it put his AMR on the UPS truck.

I can tell you it's excellent, but until I do some more A-B that's pretty much the limit, except that it's equally great sounding in either balanced or unbalanced mode. It has the advantage of being a SACD/CD combination player and it's got digital-in in several formats.
