Which is the best CD-Player up to $ 10k ?

I´m looking for a very good cd-player in the price range up to 10k to be paired with my new Ayon Audio Sunfire single ended tube integrated.

On my short list are Wadia 581SE, Audio Research CD-7, Ayre C-5xe, Esoteric X-01 Ltd. and Audio Aero Prestige SE

Main music preference is classical music, opera, and electronic music.

Speakers are Ayon Audio with ceramic drivers.

Cabelling is all Shunyata Research (but is planned to be exchanged with either Virtual Dynamics or Stealth Audio)

Any input regarding these units is highly appreciated. Thanks fellows !
Well, I'll be able to tell you about two out of those three. I've already had a one month home demo of the Meridian 808.2i and as noted above, I have been promised an in-home demo of the dcs Puccini in the near future. AMR is unlikely as we have no dealer here and they refused an in-home demo as they indicated that they were selling every unit they were producing and didn't need to demo the player to anyone (besides I'm not that big on tubes).
The amr does not do sacd right which if true is unfortunate and deal breaker since i have 200 sacds!
That's right, Audiohifila, the AMR cannot play SACDs. However, with hybrid discs, I prefer by a wide margin the sound of the AMR playing back the PCM layer to the sound of the EMM Labs SE separates playng back the SACD layer. Since nearly all my SACDs are hybrid discs, it was an easy decision for me to go back to a digital source without SACD capabilities.

Nonetheless, once the Playback Designs player arrives, I guess I'll be back in the SACD game...
Bottom line is that both the EMM and the AMR are great players. The rest is system and "ear" dependant!