Considering moving to separates with a tube preamp-appreciate recommendations

I currently drive Dynaudio Evoke 50 speakers with a Hegel H390 integrated amp. The Hegel also functions as my DAC and streamer.

I use an Elac Alchemy PPA-2 phono pre with a Technics SL-1200G turntable.

I also have a Denon DCD-A110 SACD player.

I've been pleased with this setup, but enjoy trying new combinations of gear, so I'm considering moving to separates for the preamp and amp. I'd like to try a tube preamp mated to a solid state class A/B amp.

I'm considering something used in the $3-$4K neighborhood for the preamp. PrimaLuna EVO 400, Rogue RP-7, and PS Audio BHK Signature are at the top of my list. 

Potential used stereo solid state amps in the $4-$6K range include the Parasound JC5, PS Audio BHK 250, or maybe Yamaha M-5000 or Rotel/Michi S5. I'd also consider something from Mark Levinson or Modwright if it was in the price range.

The Bel Canto EX-1 amp intrigues me too, but it's class D, and I'm not sure about it...

Appreciate input form anyone with experience with these options (or others in these price ranges).



I had a Rogue RP-7 and in my system , while the soundstage was quite wide, I didn't get a lot of depth. I've had 2 other preamps in my system since then and I think both best it in terms of depth of soundstage and overall tone. The first thing I tried was a don Sachs Model 2. You could get one on the used market for about 2k probably. Alternatively, the guy that designed it at tubes4hifi will build you one to pretty much the same spec as don. That unit showed me depth of soundstage like I'd never heard. Also, for me, the 6SN7 tubes just have the sound I'm looking for from a tubed preamp.the issue I had with that unit is that there's no balance on it and I listen to a mostly vinyl. Old records are some times not worn evenly and sometimes I need to adjust balance to keep image centered. 

What I have in my system now is a ModWright ls100 and I'm extremely happy with it. I like the look and knob feel but most of all what I like is the sound of it. It has the same richness and depth that the Sachs had (also 6sn7 based) but now I have balance control. This is gonna be in my system for a while now.

The only preamp I have at the moment is an Erhard Aretha so I can recommend that if you want a tube pre with tone controls.

Audio-gd Vacuum HE1 XLR Tube Preamplifier Review -   This 10 tube Preamp was the Best sounding preamp the reviewer Ever heard at Any price. I own one and matched with a 3 watt Decware amp or a 400 watt GaN FET amp from Peachtree plsys "Live"....It is an absolute steal at $4000. It has it's own Regenerative power supply. Amazing.

Going with separates will require adding streamer and dac. I would say start there by adding a dedicated dac and streamer or a streaming dac and continue using your H390 as integrated only. This should be an improvement over the included H390 built in dac. 

Balanced Audio Technology VK-33SE Pre. With the VK-255SE Amp, a truly outstanding combo. Best system I've ever used (paired with B&W 804 D3).