Will increasing speaker cable AWG make a difference in sound quality?

Increasing speaker cable size (for example w/AQ the cable sizes move up in size from 15AWG to 10AWG) improve sound quality?


Draped in a cloak of secrecy that appears to be showing signs of wear and tear, thedudespeaker. 

At least hint towards the very fact you’ve been to Niagara Falls …. 

Post removed 


Does tend to get a little claustrophobic in here at times, can you blame any of us :-) 

This is an area that cable geometry can make a difference.  I would suggest listening to several cables and go with what sounds best.  

You have to remember that not only speakers but to a lesser extent cables exhibit impedance, and together they form a impedance circuit. 


 To lessen that effect use thicker/lower gauge wire.