Is a FLAT response the IDEAL?

Sounds in nature are not a flat response, quite often, there are natural attenuators, accelerators and amplifiers, including horns (caves), wind and water, let alone reflections, absorption and diffraction.

Similarly the holy grail (one of them) of recreating outdoor, concert or live music, and so on, abound with these shifts in the environment or context where the experience happens and the recording takes place. Are we depending on the mic positioning, and mic performance, along with mixing equipment, format and so on, to enable recreation of the environment when moving to playback. How does a flat response curve help?

Of course, we have DSP. For Club, Hall, Rock, Indoor, Outdoor and may other shifts to music recordings. And mastering adds reverb as another way to create a 3D version of context/venue. These are averaging processes that apply universal shifts to shape a standard curve across the music stream continuously.

So why is it that we pursue flat response curves? Or DSP generated fixed curves? How does flat recreate that live ’being there’ experience.

When designing equipment including components, such as DACs, and speakers, most seek to judge against a flat frequency response.

Mind you, how on earth can we allow other than flat. Turntables as most here know, use the RIAA curve to fix the problems of hearing that itself is not flat. But even that is aimed to deliver a flat hearing response.

I don’t understand. If we are trying to model or capture the original event, how does flattening everything help? And, what are the alternatives? How do we achieve close to the venue or location, given so many unique variables, that our approximations just don’t seem close to the original. It’s no wonder... Have we selected flat because it is the best average we’ve got?

Do immersive audio methods of sound reproduction do it better? Some prefer pure stereo, some like DSP, some multi-channel and multi-speaker methods including ambiophonics.

Where does the ’flat curve’ fit into the equation here, vs say cross-over design or powered speakers or upgrades as a priority? Should we care about it?

Well that’s enough to launch this inquiry...



(1) Aspiring to make the the room response flat is desirable because it helps to remove the particular way that a particular room alters the sound of recorded media upon playback—it’s a room-specific endeavor, not a global ideal, and the point is not “it sounds good.” The point is accuracy. If the recording is bad no equalization will make it sound “good;” EQ to your heart’s delight to make it sound “good” to you;.

(2) OP obviously didn’t read the Wikipedia article from which he or she copied the graph; if he or she did, it would clearly be understood that the RIAA curve is a solution for the challenges presented by the vinyl record medium to accurately reproduce the recorded sound—it has nothing to do with room response; it is not a good or bad, like or dislike, subjective, choice, judgement, kind-of-thing. It’s more akin to zipping a computer file and unzipping it when needed—nothing sexy or controversial about that.


Nice unsupported accusations about me there.

Here’s some quotes from Wiki

“The purposes of the equalization are to permit greater recording times (by decreasing the mean width of each groove), to improve sound quality, and to reduce the groove damage that would otherwise arise during playback.”


”RIAA equalization is a form of pre-emphasis on recording and de-emphasis on playback. A recording is made with the low frequenciesreduced and the high frequencies boosted, and on playback, the opposite occurs. The net result is a flat frequency response, but with attenuation of high-frequency noise such as hiss and clicks that arise from the recording medium. Reducing the low frequencies also limits the excursions the cutter needs to make when cutting a groove. Groove width is thus reduced, allowing more grooves to fit into a given surface area, permitting longer recording times. This also reduces physical stresses on the stylus, which might otherwise cause distortion or groove damage during playback.”

I suggest this is a much wider discussion than what has been raised so far. Your point could have been served by sharing this: 


I like flat, try to achieve it when possible.  Currently....*shrug*....tolerable, a whack space, basically.

Preferred with beverage, no.  Spouse isn't. *L*

@kenjit Truth, to beauty. 👍

@emrofsemanon , ditto...but take a breath, or at least, Caps. ;) *whew*L*

and even if you were so fortunate as to get truly accurate playback that was within a whisper of the control room's playback, you might not even like it that much. we all hear differently, lord knows i've heard mixes that made me scratch my head in wonderment at "what in tarnation was that blinkin' engineer thinking, was this recorded by a daggone committee?

It’s supposed to be…..I still like to use my ears, remember we’re “audio” philes.