The SNR1 are not the worlds finest speakers as they are using cheaper drivers. They have received a lot of complaints from the engineers over at diyaudio.
Aww, @kenjit is upset I’ve outed his many multiple accounts, and then he acts out with a non-sequitor attack and makes statements provably false.
The big difference between you and me, Kenjit, if I had to pick just one, is that I put my data and designs up for anyone to see and am quite proud of the results. You blow a bunch of hot air and then claim your methods are so secret no one should see your work. If anyone asks what I think good crossover design or what a good sounding 2-way speaker is I can point to that blog post and say "Here I am."
You post two or three times a week, complain about non-issues and hope others run around chasing their tails and ignore the fact that you have no solution for any of the problems you claim to have solved, and you make so many insinuations in a single sentence it’s hard to unpack.
speaker mesaurements cant be done at home with a cheap mic. What tools are you using to measure?
My measurement tools and techniques and a great deal of my measurements are on my blog. Where are any of yours??